
“马屁精”,中文俗语,就是指专门给人“拍马屁”的人,比喻为获取利益而阿谀奉承者,含贬义。与英文习语brown-noser同义,表示“ One who seeks out the approval, attention, and/or support of others, especially superiors, through abject subservience, flattery, or fawning”。

而“拍马屁”可以翻译为“brown-nose”,表示“try to curry favor with someone through flattery or favors in the hopes of getting something in return”。

  • 蒂姆是公认的马屁精,他总是夸赞老板的主意,对她提出的任何建议都附和。
    Tim is such an obvious brown-noser, always complimenting the boss on her ideas and saying yes to anything she suggests.
  • 今年我的数学很差,所以看来拍老师马屁是我取得好成绩的唯一希望!
    I’m not doing well at all in math this year, so it seems like brownnosing the teacher is my only hope for a good grade!
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