
“水到渠成”,汉语成语,字面意思是“水流到的地方自然形成一条水道(A canal is formed when water comes )”。比喻条件成熟,事情自然会成功(When conditions are ripe, success will come;What happens is without extra effort)。

  • 如果他们采取目的明确的行动,并拥有合适的技能和动力,身边还有一支给力的团队,那么成功就是水到渠成的事。
    If they take purposeful action, and if they have the right skills and drive and the right team around them, success will follow.
  • 给自己留出选择的余地,一切将会水到渠成。
    Keep your options open and everything will fall into place.
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