

Clickbait,表示“互联网上一些吸引眼球的文章标题”,英文释义:“something (such as a headline) designed to make readers want to click on a hyperlink especially when the link leads to content of dubious value or interest”。

  • 脸书员工在博客中表示公司已经“建立了一个检测‘标题党’的系统。”
    Facebook staffers said in a blog post that the company has “built a system to detect clickbait headlines.”
  • “你绝对不会相信……有史以来最可爱的……你可能犯下最大的错误……”这些都是典型的标题党类型。
    “You’ll never believe what happened when … This is the cutest thing ever … This is the biggest mistake you can make …” They are all classic clickbait models.
未经允许不得转载:帕布莉卡 » “标题党”英语怎么说?
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