

放冷箭,中文俗语,“冷箭”同“暗箭”,表示“an arrow shot from hiding”,放冷箭指“乘人不备,放箭伤人(to shoot at someone from a position where you cannot be seen)”,比喻“暗中伤人”,英文可以翻译为“stab in the back”,或“resort to underhand means”。

  • 明枪易躲,暗箭难防。
    It is easy to dodge a spear in the open, but hard to guard against an arrow shot from hiding.
  • 哈曼声称,嫉妒的同事暗箭伤人,她是受害者。
    Harman claimed she was the victim of backstabbing by jealous colleagues.
  • 他们说了会支持我,但是事实上,他们却在背后放冷箭!
    They told me they would back me up. But as a matter of fact, they stabbed me in the back.
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