
懒惰是人类的天性,因此才总有人会在工作时“划水”。“划水”,本意是指“用胳膊划的动作(make strokes with one’s arms)”,延伸为“偷懒、怠工(work less hard than you usually do or should do)”,可以用“slack”表示。

这个词起初用于形容偷懒的船夫,当其他船夫在认真划船时,他们会浑水摸鱼把桨从一边拨到另一边(boatmen who would half-heartedly splash their oars from side to side while their colleagues did the actual rowing),后来延伸到工作和学习领域。

  • 那个女团成员舞蹈动作都忘了,明显是在划水。
    That band member forgot all her dance moves. She is definitely slacking.
  • 如果有人上班划水,比尔就会严厉地加以斥责。
    If someone slacks off, Bill comes down hard.
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