
“大材小用”,汉语成语,意思是把大的材料用于小的用处(put fine timber to petty use),比喻人才使用不当,浪费人才,可以翻译为“make little use of a great talent, waste a talent on trivial job,put something big to small use”。

  • 让你当打字员是大材小用。
    The job of a typist is unworthy of your talents.
  • 很多人觉得自己在工作上被迫大材小用。
    Many find themselves having to take jobs far beneath them.
  • 举例来说,如果大学毕业生认为自己从事的工作只需要高中文凭,他们就会认为自己是大材小用了。
    For example, university graduates would count themselves overqualified if they were doing work they believed called for nothing more than A-levels.
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