
“驴友(literally donkey friend)”,“旅友(tour pal)”的谐音,是对户外运动,自助自主旅行爱好者的称呼,更多指的是背包客,英文可译为“backpacker”。


  • 我把旅行计划发到校内论坛上,希望能够召集一些驴友,但很失望没有人敢尝试如此艰难的长途跋涉。
    I posted my plans on the campus forum in hopes that I would find someone to go with me, but to my disappointment no one dared to try such a tough, long journey.
  • 我问我的驴友他对那个国家的形势有什么看法。
    I asked my travelling companion what he thought of the situation in that country.
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