
“双标”,网络流行语,完整说法是“双重标准”,翻译为“double standard”。

“双标”是指“对同一性质的两件事情,使用不同的评判标准(a double standard implies that two things which are the same are measured by different standards),在网络吐槽中比较常见。

  • 人通常都是双标的,一套标准适用自己,另一套不同的标准适用他人。
    People often have two sets of rules, one for themselves and different set for others.
  • 人们指责政府双标,一方面严格要求法律和秩序的贯彻和遵守,另一方面却对议员们的欺诈行为不予追究。
    The government is being accused of (having) double standards in being tough on law and order yet allowing his own cabinet members to escape prosecution for fraud.
  • 人们对于荧屏里的男性和女性变老这件事有着双重标准。
    There are double standards when it comes to men and women appearing on screen as they get older.
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