

“保质期”指产品的最佳食用期,可以翻译为“best-before date,shelf life,expiration date或freshness date”,表示“the length of time that a product, especially food, can be kept in a shop before it becomes too old to be sold or used”。

超出保质期的食品即“过期食品”,可以翻译为“expired food”。

  • 新鲜水果的保质期很短。
    Fresh fruit has a very short shelf life.
  • 但是过期的苏打水跑气,味道也会大打折扣。
    But soda past its expiration date goes flat and loses much of its taste.
  • 酸奶已经过期了。
    This yogurt is past its sell-by date.
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