
近日,一个新词——“996” 工作制在中国引发社会关注,也将一些知名互联网公司推到了舆论的风口浪尖。

996 working, ICU waiting

所谓996,是一种早9点到晚9点,一周6天的工作制度(a work schedule expects employees to work from 9 am to 9 pm, six days a week without overtime pay),代表着中国互联网企业盛行的加班文化(a corporate culture of encouraged overtime)。


“工作996,生病ICU”其实是程序员之间的一种自嘲说法,意思是如果按照996模式工作,以后很可能进ICU(By following the 996 work schedule, you are risking yourself getting into the Intensive Care Unit)”。

Internet tycoons’ feedback

针对引发热议的“996”现象,互联网大佬们(Internet tycoons)纷纷亮出自己的观点。

阿里巴巴集团联合创始人马云(Jack Ma,co-founder of the Alibaba Group)曾多次谈及“996”的问题。他表示:

“To be able to work 996 is a huge bliss…

If you do not work 996 when you are young, when will you…

If you don’t put out more time and energy than others, how can you achieve the success you want?”


“No company should and can force employees to work on 996 schedule…but the young people should be aware that happiness comes from hard work.”

继马云之后,京东创始人兼CEO刘强东(Richard Liu, founder and CEO of JD.com)也加入了讨论。


“Slackers in JD are not my brothers… JD will ‘never force’ employees to work 995 or 996, but every employee must have the spirit of fighting for work.”

More pain than gain


The working hours of an employee should not exceed an average of eight hours daily, or 44 hours a week. Employers may extend working hours after consultation with an employee, but shall not exceed three hours a day or 36 hours a month.

然而,大部分公司在执行“996”工作制时,并没有向员工支付额外的加班费。为了绕开法律问题,许多公司将“996”作为一项“潜规则(unspoken rule)”,而并不会写在合同中。

据《金融时报》报道,工作过度会对员工的身心健康产生影响。每周工作超过55小时的人中风(stroke)、患冠心病(coronary heart disease)的风险高于每周工作35-40小时的人。

长时间工作还与抑郁、焦虑(depression and anxiety)相关,可能会影响睡眠或产生更严重的影响。


  • 955:早9点到下午5点,一周工作5天(to work from 9 am to 5 pm, five days a week)
  • 007:一天工作24小时,一周工作7天(to work 24 hour a day, seven days a week)
  • 8107:早8点到晚10点,一周工作7天(to work from 8 am to 10 pm, seven days a week
  • 过劳死:overwork deaths
  • 过劳肥:obesity due to overwork
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