
“走过场”,原本指戏剧演出中“角色从一侧出场,马上从另一侧退场,中间不作停留(go from one end of the stage to the other without stopping)”。

现在用来比喻“只是表面上做做样子,不采取实际行动(pretend to do something by acting as if one was really doing it)”,或“不求实效,敷衍了事(do something without thinking it is very important or having much interest in it)”。

相当于英文的“do something as a mere formality(例行公事)”或“go through the motions”。

  • 这过场我们必须走。
    This is a formality we must go through.
  • 他已经知道自己被录用了,所以面试仅仅是走走过场。
    He already knows he has the job so the interview is a mere formality.
  • 他说他一直在调查我的投诉,但我觉得他只是在走过场。
    He says he’s been investigating my complaint, but I feel he’s just going through the motions.
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