
一个人外出旅游,人生地不熟(be a complete stranger in a place),最怕的就是被人“敲竹杠”。

“敲竹杠”是一个汉语俗语,字面意思是“beat the bamboo stick”,用来比喻利用他人的弱点或错误敲诈勒索(fleece,take advantage of somebody’s being in a weak position to overcharge him)。也可以指借机抬高价格,漫天要价(blatant overcharging)。

  • 他们大敲游客的竹杠。
    They really soaked the tourists.
  • 这简直是敲竹杠。
    This is absolutely daylight robbery.
  • 这笔生意听起来好像有点像敲竹杠,我不想做这笔买卖。
    This sale sounds like sharp practice to me and I want nothing to do with it.
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