
随着中国的发展,更多的中国留学生(Chinese student studying abroad)选择回国就业。“海归”一词由此诞生。

“海归[hǎi guī]”,取自“海龟(turtle)”的中文谐音,“归”表示“return; go back to”。“海归”就是“海外归来(return from abroad)”的意思,一般指海外留学回国就业的人员(people returned to the home country after finishing overseas study),英文可翻译为“overseas returnee”。

  • 中国大好的经济形势增强了“海归”们回国就业的信心。
    The great economic situation in China has boosted returnees’ confidence in a future career at home.
  • 根据教育部的数据,2011年的“海归”人数为18.6万,比2010年增加了40%。
    In 2011, there were as many as 186,000 returnees, about 40 percent more than in 2010, according to the Ministry of Education.
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