
在汉语口语中,形容“和不太熟识的人拉拢关系,表示亲近(try to get in good with someone)”可以用“套近乎[tào jìn hu]”或“拉近乎[lā jìn hu]”,“套”指“拉拢(bring close to)”,“近乎”指“亲密的关系(intimate,friendly)”。

“套近乎”通常带有目的性,为了获得某种好处(in hopes of favorable treatment),因此带有贬义。常见用法是“与某人套近乎(cotton up to someone)”。

  • 咱们按原则办事,别想套近乎。
    We must adhere to the principle. Don’t try to cotton up to me.
  • 我得跟老板套套近乎,我想涨工资呢!
    I have to keep my boss in a good humor because I need to ask for a rise!
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