apathy 什么意思-用法-常见短语 ~ 英语单词详细解释


  1. Apathy towards politics(对政治的冷漠)
  2. Sense of apathy(冷漠感)
  3. Overcome apathy(克服冷漠)
  4. Indifference and apathy(漠不关心和冷漠)
  5. Apathy in relationships(感情上的冷漠)
  6. Apathy towards social issues(对社会问题的冷漠)
  7. Apathy towards education(对教育的冷漠)
  8. Apathy towards environmental concerns(对环境问题的冷漠)
  9. Apathy towards humanitarian crises(对人道主义危机的冷漠)
  10. Overcome voter apathy(克服选民冷漠)
  11. Apathy towards cultural preservation(对文化保护的冷漠)
  12. Apathy towards community engagement(对社区参与的冷漠)
  13. Apathy in the workplace(工作上的冷漠)
  14. Apathy towards personal growth(对个人成长的冷漠)
  15. Addressing apathy in society(解决社会上的冷漠)
  16. Apathy and its consequences(冷漠及其后果)
  17. Fighting apathy(与冷漠作斗争)
  18. Combating student apathy(对抗学生的冷漠)
  19. Apathy towards mental health issues(对心理健康问题的冷漠)
  20. Overcoming societal apathy(克服社会上的冷漠)
  21. Apathy towards poverty alleviation(对减贫的冷漠)
  22. Apathy towards human rights violations(对侵犯人权的冷漠)
  23. Apathy in the face of injustice(面对不公时的冷漠)
  24. Apathy towards global conflicts(对全球冲突的冷漠)
  25. Apathy and lack of empathy(冷漠和缺乏同理心)
  26. Overcoming apathy through awareness(通过意识来克服冷漠)
  27. Apathy towards social justice issues(对社会正义问题的冷漠)
  28. Apathy and the erosion of democracy(冷漠与民主的侵蚀)
  29. Breaking the cycle of apathy(打破冷漠的循环)
  30. Apathy towards community development(对社区发展的冷漠)
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