动词 “attain” 的用法:
- Attain a goal – 达到目标
- She worked hard to attain her goal of becoming a doctor.(她努力工作,实现了成为医生的目标。)
- Attain success – 取得成功
- He studied diligently to attain success in his career.(他勤奋学习,取得了职业上的成功。)
- Attain a level – 达到水平
- He has attained a high level of proficiency in playing the piano.(他在钢琴演奏方面达到了很高的水平。)
- Attain a degree – 获得学位
- She studied hard for many years to attain her master’s degree.(她努力学习了多年,获得了硕士学位。)
- Attain a position – 获得职位
- After years of hard work, she attained a managerial position in the company.(经过多年的努力,她在公司获得了一个管理职位。)
- Attain knowledge – 获得知识
- Reading books is a great way to attain knowledge and expand your understanding.(阅读书籍是获取知识和拓宽理解的好方法。)
- Attain a milestone – 达到里程碑
- The company celebrated its 50th anniversary, a significant milestone they had attained.(公司庆祝了其成立50周年,这是他们取得的一个重要里程碑。)
- Attain enlightenment – 获得启迪
- Some people meditate to attain spiritual enlightenment.(一些人通过冥想来获得精神启迪。)
- Attain a level of expertise – 达到专业水平
- With years of practice, he has attained a high level of expertise in photography.(经过多年的实践,他在摄影方面达到了高水平的专业技能。)
- Attain happiness – 获得幸福
- Money alone cannot guarantee happiness; true happiness is attained through meaningful relationships and personal fulfillment.(光靠金钱无法保证幸福;真正的幸福是通过有意义的关系和个人成就来获得的。)