动词 “soothe” 的用法:
- Soothe the pain – 缓解疼痛
- The doctor prescribed medication to soothe the patient’s pain.(医生开了药来缓解病人的疼痛。)
- Soothe a crying baby – 安抚哭泣的婴儿
- The mother gently rocked the baby to soothe her crying.(母亲轻轻地摇晃婴儿来安抚她的哭泣。)
- Soothe a troubled mind – 安抚心绪不宁
- Taking a walk in nature can help soothe a troubled mind.(在大自然中散步有助于安抚心绪不宁。)
- Soothe the nerves – 安抚神经
- The calming music helped soothe her frayed nerves.(宁静的音乐帮助安抚她疲惫不堪的神经。)
- Soothe the soul – 安抚灵魂
- Spending time in meditation can soothe the soul and bring inner peace.(沉浸在冥想中可以安抚灵魂,带来内心的平静。)
- Soothe a sunburn – 缓解晒伤
- Applying aloe vera gel can soothe a sunburn and reduce redness.(涂抹芦荟胶可以缓解晒伤,减少红肿。)
- Soothe an upset stomach – 缓解胃不适
- Drinking chamomile tea can help soothe an upset stomach.(喝洋甘菊茶有助于缓解胃不适。)
- Soothe anxiety – 缓解焦虑
- Deep breathing exercises can help soothe anxiety and promote relaxation.(深呼吸练习可以帮助缓解焦虑,促进放松。)
- Soothe a headache – 缓解头痛
- Applying a cold compress to the forehead can soothe a headache.(在额头上敷冷敷可以缓解头痛。)
- Soothe aching muscles – 缓解肌肉疼痛
- Massaging the affected area can help soothe aching muscles.(按摩患处可以帮助缓解肌肉疼痛。)