Defy 的详细用法和中文解释如下:
- Defy authority – 公然对抗权威
- The students defied authority by organizing a protest.(学生们组织了一次抗议活动,公然对抗权威。)
- Defy expectations – 违背预期
- The underdog team defied expectations and won the championship.(弱势的球队违背了预期,赢得了冠军。)
- Defy logic – 违背逻辑
- His actions defied logic; no one could understand why he did what he did.(他的行为违背了逻辑,没有人能理解他为什么这么做。)
- Defy the odds – 打破可能性的限制
- She defied the odds and achieved success in a male-dominated industry.(她打破了可能性的限制,在一个男性主导的行业取得了成功。)
- Defy convention – 违背传统
- The artist’s work defies convention and challenges societal norms.(这位艺术家的作品违背传统,挑战社会规范。)
- Defy explanation – 难以解释
- The phenomenon defies explanation; scientists are still trying to understand it.(这种现象难以解释,科学家们仍在努力理解它。)
- Defy gravity – 违抗重力
- The acrobat performed daring stunts that seemed to defy gravity.(这位杂技演员表演了令人惊叹的特技,似乎违抗了重力。)
- Defy danger – 违抗危险
- The thrill-seeker defied danger by participating in extreme sports.(这位寻求刺激的人通过参与极限运动违抗了危险。)
- Defy time – 超越时间
- The timeless beauty of the painting defies time and captivates viewers from generation to generation.(这幅画的永恒美丽超越了时间,吸引着世世代代的观众。)
- Defy categorization – 难以归类
- Her unique style of music defies categorization; it blends various genres seamlessly.(她独特的音乐风格难以归类,巧妙地融合了多种流派。)
- Defy limitations – 超越限制
- The human spirit has the power to defy limitations and achieve extraordinary things.(人类精神有力量超越限制,取得非凡的成就。)
- Defy order – 违抗秩序
- The rioters defied order and caused chaos in the streets.(暴乱者违抗秩序,在街头制造混乱。