Culprit 的详细用法和中文解释如下:
- Identify the culprit – 辨认罪犯
- The detective worked tirelessly to identify the culprit behind the crime.(侦探不辞辛劳地辨认出了犯罪背后的罪犯。)
- Catch the culprit – 抓住罪犯
- The police conducted an extensive investigation to catch the culprit responsible for the burglary.(警方进行了大规模的调查,抓住了负责入室盗窃的罪犯。)
- Blame the culprit – 责怪罪犯
- The company blamed the culprit for the security breach that led to the loss of sensitive data.(公司指责罪犯,他导致了敏感数据的丢失。)
- Uncover the culprit – 揭露罪犯
- The journalist’s investigation helped to uncover the culprit behind the political scandal.(记者的调查揭露了政治丑闻背后的罪犯。)
- The main culprit – 主要罪犯
- The main culprit in the accident was found to be the negligent driver.(事故的主要罪犯被发现是粗心的驾驶员。)
- Hold the culprit accountable – 追究罪犯责任
- The court held the culprit accountable for their actions and handed down a severe sentence.(法庭追究了罪犯的责任,并判处了严厉的刑罚。)
- The real culprit – 真正的罪犯
- After further investigation, the police discovered that the initial suspect was not the real culprit.(经过进一步调查,警方发现最初的嫌疑人并非真正的罪犯。)
- Escape the clutches of the culprit – 逃离罪犯的掌控
- The victim managed to escape the clutches of the culprit and seek help from the authorities.(受害者成功逃离了罪犯的掌控,并向当局求助。)
- Reveal the identity of the culprit – 揭示罪犯的身份
- Through careful investigation, the detective was able to reveal the identity of the culprit.(通过仔细调查,侦探成功揭示了罪犯的身份。)
- Bring the culprit to justice – 将罪犯绳之以法
- The legal system worked diligently to bring the culprit to justice and ensure a fair trial.(司法系统努力将罪犯绳之以法,确保公正审判。)