1. Budget deficit – 预算赤字
- The government is facing a significant budget deficit due to increased spending and reduced revenue. (由于支出增加和收入减少,政府面临着重大的预算赤字。)
2. Trade deficit – 贸易逆差
- The country’s trade deficit has been growing as imports continue to exceed exports. (由于进口持续超过出口,该国的贸易逆差一直在增加。)
3. Current account deficit – 经常账户赤字
- The current account deficit indicates that the country is spending more on foreign goods and services than it is earning from exports. (经常账户赤字表明该国在外国货物和服务上的支出超过了从出口中获得的收入。)
4. Fiscal deficit – 财政赤字
- The government is implementing measures to reduce the fiscal deficit and stabilize the economy. (政府正在采取措施减少财政赤字,稳定经济。)
5. Revenue deficit – 财政收入赤字
- The company is facing a revenue deficit due to declining sales and increased expenses. (由于销售下滑和支出增加,该公司面临着财政收入赤字。)
6. Energy deficit – 能源不足
- The country is heavily reliant on imports to meet its energy deficit. (该国严重依赖进口以满足其能源不足。)
7. Skill deficit – 技能不足
- The organization is addressing the skill deficit by providing training programs for its employees. (该组织通过为员工提供培训计划来解决技能不足的问题。)
8. Knowledge deficit – 知识不足
- The student’s poor performance is attributed to a knowledge deficit in the subject matter. (学生的差劲表现归因于对学科知识的不足。)
9. Infrastructure deficit – 基础设施不足
- The country’s economic growth is hindered by an infrastructure deficit, particularly in transportation and communication. (该国的经济增长受到基础设施不足的阻碍,尤其是在交通和通信方面。)
10. Housing deficit – 住房不足 – The city is experiencing a severe housing deficit, leading to rising housing prices and homelessness. (该城市正面临严重的住房不足问题,导致房价上涨和无家可归的问题。)
11. Water deficit – 水资源不足 – The region is suffering from a water deficit due to prolonged drought conditions. (由于长期干旱的原因,该地区面临水资源不足的问题。)
12. Talent deficit – 人才不足 – The company is struggling to recruit skilled employees due to a talent deficit in the industry. (由于行业内人才不足的问题,该公司在招聘熟练员工方面面临困难。)
13. Educational deficit – 教育不足 – The government is focusing on reducing the educational deficit by improving access to quality education in disadvantaged areas. (政府正在努力改善贫困地区的优质教育资源,以减少教育不足问题。)
14. Investment deficit – 投资不足 – The country needs to address the investment deficit in key sectors to stimulate economic growth. (该国需要解决关键领域的投资不足问题,以促进经济增长。)
15. Technology deficit – 技术不足 – The company’s competitiveness is hampered by a technology deficit compared to its competitors. (与竞争对手相比,该公司的竞争力受到技术不足的制约。)
16. Resource deficit – 资源不足 – The region is facing a resource deficit, particularly in terms of water and energy. (该地区面临资源不足问题,特别是在水和能源方面。)
17. Food deficit – 食物不足 – The country relies on food imports to meet its food deficit and ensure food security. (该国依靠食品进口来满足食物不足的问题,并确保食品安全。)
18. Skill deficit – 技能不足 – The company is investing in training programs to address the skill deficit among its workforce. (该公司正在投资培训计划,以解决员工中的技能不足问题。)
19. Trust deficit – 信任缺失 – The government’s actions have led to a trust deficit among the population. (政府的行动导致了人民中的信任缺失。)
20. Communication deficit – 沟通不足 – The project suffered delays due to a communication deficit between team members. (该项目因团队成员之间的沟通不足而遭受延迟。)
21. Financial deficit – 资金不足 – The company is struggling with a financial deficit and may need to seek additional funding. (该公司正面临资金不足的问题,可能需要寻求额外的资金支持。)
22. Service deficit – 服务不足 – The organization received complaints about a service deficit, leading to customer dissatisfaction. (该组织收到了关于服务不足的投诉,导致客户不满。)
23. Cultural deficit – 文化不足 – The educational system should address the cultural deficit by promoting diversity and inclusivity. (教育系统应通过促进多样性和包容性来解决文化不足的问题。)
24. Job deficit – 就业不足 – The region is grappling with a job deficit, resulting in high unemployment rates. (该地区面临就业不足的问题,导致高失业率。)
25. Experience deficit – 经验不足 – The candidate’s lack of experience poses a deficit in their ability to handle complex tasks. (候选人缺乏经验导致其在处理复杂任务方面存在不足。)
26. Mental health deficit – 心理健康不足 – The pandemic has exacerbated the mental health deficit, highlighting the need for better support and resources. (疫情使心理健康问题更加严重,凸显了对更好的支持和资源的需求。)
27. Confidence deficit – 自信不足 – The athlete’s performance suffered due to a confidence deficit, affecting their overall results. (由于自信心不足,该运动员的表现受到影响,从而影响了他们的整体成绩。)
28. Time deficit – 时间不足 – The project is behind schedule due to a time deficit caused by unforeseen delays. (由于无法预料的延误导致的时间不足问题,该项目进度落后。)
29. Capacity deficit – 能力不足 – The organization needs to address the capacity deficit by hiring additional staff or outsourcing certain tasks. (该组织需要通过雇佣额外的员工或外包某些任务来解决能力不足的问题。)
30. Democracy deficit – 民主不足 – The country is facing a democracy deficit, with limited political freedoms and restrictions on civil liberties. (该国面临民主不足的问题,政治自由受限,公民自由受到限制。)