Threshold – 门槛,阈值
- Cross the threshold – 跨越门槛,达到阈值
- He finally crossed the threshold of success after years of hard work. (经过多年的努力,他终于达到了成功的阈值。)
- On the threshold – 在门槛上,接近阈值
- We are on the threshold of a new era in technology. (我们正处于科技新时代的门槛上。)
- Threshold level – 阈值水平,门槛水平
- The noise reached the threshold level, causing annoyance to the residents. (噪音达到了门槛水平,给居民带来了困扰。)
- Threshold of pain – 疼痛阈值
- Different individuals have different thresholds of pain. (不同的人对疼痛有不同的阈值。)
- Threshold of consciousness – 意识门槛
- He was on the threshold of consciousness after the accident. (事故后,他处于意识门槛的边缘。)
- Threshold of tolerance – 容忍门槛
- The constant noise exceeded his threshold of tolerance. (持续的噪音超过了他的容忍门槛。)
- Threshold value – 阈值,门槛值
- The temperature has reached the threshold value for plant growth. (温度已经达到了植物生长的阈值。)
- Threshold effect – 阈值效应
- The drug shows a threshold effect, where a minimum dosage is required for any therapeutic effect. (这种药物具有阈值效应,需要最低剂量才能产生任何治疗效果。)
- Threshold income – 阈值收入
- The threshold income for tax exemption has been raised this year. (免税的阈值收入今年有所提高。)
- Threshold limit – 阈限,门槛限制
- The pollution level has exceeded the threshold limit set by environmental regulations. (污染水平已经超过了环境法规设定的门槛限制。)
- Threshold agreement – 阈值协议
- The negotiating parties reached a threshold agreement on the terms of the contract. (谈判双方就合同条款达成了阈值协议。)
- Threshold of visibility – 可见度门槛
- The fog reduced the visibility to below the threshold, causing travel disruptions. (雾霾使得能见度降至门槛以下,导致了交通受阻。)