xtol 是一个动词,意为赞美、颂扬。以下是关于 “extol” 的短语:
- Extol someone’s virtues: 赞美某人的优点
- Extol someone’s achievements: 赞扬某人的成就
- Extol someone’s talent: 赞赏某人的才华
- Extol someone’s generosity: 颂扬某人的慷慨
- Extol someone’s kindness: 赞美某人的善良
- Extol someone’s bravery: 赞美某人的勇敢
- Extol someone’s leadership: 赞扬某人的领导才能
- Extol someone’s wisdom: 赞美某人的智慧
- Extol someone’s dedication: 赞扬某人的奉献精神
- Extol someone’s professionalism: 赞赏某人的专业精神
- Extol someone’s integrity: 赞美某人的正直
- Extol someone’s patience: 赞扬某人的耐心
- Extol someone’s compassion: 赞美某人的同情心
- Extol the beauty of nature: 赞美大自然的美丽
- Extol the benefits of exercise: 赞扬运动的好处
- Extol the virtues of teamwork: 赞美团队合作的优点
- Extol the wonders of science: 赞叹科学的奇迹
- Extol the value of education: 赞赏教育的价值
- Extol the importance of honesty: 强调诚实的重要性
- Extol the power of imagination: 赞颂想象力的力量
- Extol the greatness of art: 颂扬艺术的伟大
- Extol the resilience of the human spirit: 赞美人类精神的韧性
- Extol the virtues of a product: 赞美产品的优点
- Extol the virtues of a company: 赞扬公司的优点
- Extol the virtues of a book: 赞美一本书的优点
- Extol the virtues of a recipe: 赞赏一道菜谱的优点
- Extol the virtues of a city: 赞美一个城市的优点
- Extol the virtues of a culture: 赞颂一种文化的优点