
Artist: Cui Jian (崔健 최건)
Song: 让我睡个好觉 (Rang Wo Shui Ge Hao Jiao) •Album: New Long March [1989]



听够了人们哭 听够了人们笑

马车 花轿 汽车和大炮
人喊 人叫 人哭和人笑



马车 花轿 汽车和大炮
人喊 人叫 人哭和人笑

Let me sleep well

Don’t tell me if I look bad or good
Don’t ask if I am young or old
Don’t be concerned why my name is Lugouqiao
Don’t blame me for saying I know nothing
Heard enough of men crying, heard enough of men laughing
Had enough of horse carts, wedding carriages, cars and cannons
Let me hear the sound of water and the song of birds
Let me sleep comfortably and well

Horse carts, wedding carriages, cars and cannons
Men yelling, men shouting, men crying and men laughing
Stop it with the eternal chatter at my side
Better rise and go your own way
I’ll tell you, go west and find total silence
I’ll tell you, go east and find the noise and bustle
Bother our people no more
You must know my inner lions aren’t few
To tell the truth I’m really frustrated
Because I haven’t slept well in a long time

Submitted by Guest

Author’s comments:
The title’s literal translation is closer to “Let me sleep a good sleep”.
“People” in the fourth to last line is literally “Men and women, old ad young”.
Lugouqiao, or Lugou Bridge, is the Chinese name of Marco Polo Bridge in Beijing, the site of Japan’s invasion of mainland China on July 7, 1937.

Let me sleep

Don’t say whether I look good or bad.
Don’t ask whether if I am old or young.
Don’t worry about why my name is *Lu Gouqiao.
Don’t blame me for telling you I know nothing.
I’ve heard enough of people laughing and crying.
I’ve had enough of carriages, sedans, cars, and cannons.
Just let me hear the sound of rivers flowing and birds singing.
Just let me have a nice comfortable sleep.

Carriages, sedans, cars, and cannons.
Yelling, shouting, laughing, and crying.
Don’t keep at me with your constant chattering.
Just pick up your legs and keep moving.
Go west and it’s a deep silence.
Go east and it’s a boisterous cacophony.
Everybody stop all this noise!
You’ve got to realize how tormented I am.
The truth is that I’m really annoyed.
Because I haven’t had a good sleep in such a long time.

Submitted by AiHack

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