

你我皆凡人 生在人世间
终日奔波苦 一刻不得闲
既然不是仙 难免有杂念
道义放两旁 利字摆中间

多少男子汉 一怒为红颜
多少同林鸟 已成分飞燕
人生何其短 何必苦苦恋
爱人不见了 向谁去喊冤

问你 何时曾看见

Song of the Mortal

Both you and I are mortal living in this mortal world.
Kept constantly on the run at no leisure at all.
Not being immortal, you must have distracting thoughts.
Morality and justice put aside; Seeking nothing but profits.

So many men unleash their wrath owing to beauties;
So many affectionate couples have become apart.
How short life is! Why should you be obsessed therewith?
To whom could you cry out a grievance if your love was gone?

Wonder when you’ve ever seen that
The world has changed itself for people?
Does it mean your spring,
If you get your dream countenance?

By Isaiah Siegfried Chen

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