theocracy 什么意思-详细用法

  • 定义:Theocracy 是一个名词,表示一种政治制度,其中宗教领袖或宗教机构掌握国家的政治权力和统治权力。在这种制度下,宗教法规和原则被用作制定法律和决策的基础,宗教领袖或宗教机构扮演着政治和行政的角色。
  • 例句
    1. Iran is often cited as an example of a theocracy, with supreme power held by the country’s religious leader.(伊朗常被引用为一个神权政体的例子,国家的最高权力由宗教领袖掌握。)
    2. The theocracy implemented strict religious laws and regulations that governed every aspect of people’s lives.(这个神权政体实施了严格的宗教法律和规定,统治着人们生活的各个方面。)
  • 小标题用法注意
  1. 宗教领袖或宗教机构的统治
    • A theocracy is a form of government in which religious leaders hold political power.(神权政体是一种宗教领袖掌握政治权力的政府形式。)
    • The country’s governance was based on the principles of theocracy.(该国的治理是基于神权政体的原则。)
  2. 宗教法规和原则的基础
    • Theocracy relies on religious laws and principles to guide its governance.(神权政体依靠宗教法律和原则来指导其治理。)
    • The legal system of the theocracy is rooted in religious teachings.(神权政体的法律体系扎根于宗教教义。)
  3. 宗教领袖或宗教机构的政治和行政角色
    • The religious leader of the theocracy holds both political and religious authority.(神权政体的宗教领袖既拥有政治权力,又拥有宗教权威。)
    • The theocracy was governed by a council of religious leaders.(该神权政体由一组宗教领袖组成的委员会统治。)

总之,theocracy 是一个名词,表示一种政治制度,其中宗教领袖或宗教机构掌握国家的政治权力和统治权力。在这种制度下,宗教法规和原则被用作制定法律和决策的基础,宗教领袖或宗教机构扮演着政治和行政的角色。

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