- 定义:Bogus 是一个形容词,用于描述虚假的、欺骗性的或伪造的事物。它表示缺乏真实性、可信度或合法性的特征。
- 例句:
- He tried to sell me a bogus watch that turned out to be a cheap imitation.(他试图卖给我一只伪造的手表,结果证明它是廉价的仿制品。)
- The company was caught producing bogus financial statements to deceive investors.(该公司被发现制造虚假的财务报表以欺骗投资者。)
- 小标题:用法注意:
- 伪造的、欺骗性的:
- They were arrested for distributing bogus passports.(他们因分发伪造护照而被逮捕。)
- The product was advertised as a miracle cure, but it turned out to be a bogus treatment.(该产品被宣传为神奇的治疗方法,但实际上是伪造的。)
- 虚假的、假冒的:
- She received a bogus email claiming she had won a lottery prize.(她收到了一封虚假的电子邮件,声称她赢得了彩票奖品。)
- The company was accused of selling bogus designer handbags.(该公司被指控销售假冒的名牌手袋。)
- 不真实的、可疑的:
- His story sounded completely bogus, and no one believed him.(他的故事听起来完全不真实,没有人相信他。)
- The witness provided bogus information that misled the investigation.(证人提供了虚假的信息,误导了调查。)
总之,bogus 是一个形容词,用于描述虚假的、欺骗性的或伪造的事物。它表示缺乏真实性、可信度或合法性的特征。可以用来形容伪造的、欺骗性的对象,或者表示某事物不真实、可疑或虚假。