heretic 什么意思-详细用法

  • 定义:Heretic 是一个名词,指的是持有与宗教、信仰或正统观点相悖的观点或信仰的人。他们与传统的教义或教会立场不一致,常被认为是异端或背离正统信仰的人。
  • 例句
    1. Galileo was considered a heretic for challenging the geocentric model of the universe.(伽利略因质疑地心说宇宙模型而被视为异端。)
    2. The priest accused the woman of being a heretic because she questioned the doctrines of the church.(牧师指责这位女士是一个异端,因为她质疑了教会的教义。)
  • 小标题用法注意
  1. 宗教异端
    • The heretic rejected the traditional beliefs of the church and formed his own religious sect.(这位异端拒绝了教会的传统信仰,并创立了自己的宗教派别。)
    • The heretic was excommunicated for his unorthodox views on the divinity of Christ.(这位异端因对基督神圣性的非正统观点而被逐出教会。)
  2. 信仰背离者
    • The political leader was labeled a heretic for promoting ideologies contrary to the established party principles.(这位政治领导人因推动与既定党派原则相悖的意识形态而被贴上异端的标签。)
    • The heretic author was criticized for challenging societal norms in his writings.(这位异端作家因在作品中挑战社会规范而受到批评。)
  3. 观点相左者
    • The scientist was considered a heretic by his colleagues for proposing a controversial theory.(这位科学家因提出一个具有争议的理论而被同行视为异端。)
    • The heretic philosopher questioned the prevailing philosophical doctrines of his time.(这位异端哲学家质疑了当时流行的哲学教条。)

总之,heretic 是一个名词,指的是持有与宗教、信仰或正统观点相悖的观点或信仰的人。他们与传统的教义或教会立场不一致,常被认为是异端或背离正统信仰的人。可以用来描述宗教异端、信仰背离者或观点相左者。

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