- 定义:Bowdlerize 是一个动词,意为删除、修改或削弱文学、艺术作品中的不雅、冒犯或争议性内容,以使其更适合普遍接受或符合道德标准。这个词源于19世纪英国医生和编者Thomas Bowdler,他以删改莎士比亚戏剧的方式来创作适合家庭阅读的版本。
- 例句:
- The novel was heavily bowdlerized before its publication to comply with the prevailing societal norms.(该小说在出版前被大量删改,以符合当时的社会规范。)
- Some critics argue that bowdlerizing classic literature diminishes its artistic and historical value.(一些评论家认为删改经典文学削弱了其艺术和历史价值。)
- 小标题:用法注意:
- 删除或修改不雅内容:
- The movie adaptation of the novel had to be bowdlerized to receive a lower age rating.(该小说的电影改编必须删改内容以获得更低的年龄评级。)
- The original text was bowdlerized to remove explicit language and sexual scenes.(原文被删改以删除露骨的语言和性场景。)
- 削弱或修改争议性内容:
- The government pressured the newspaper to bowdlerize the article criticizing its policies.(政府施压要求报纸删改批评其政策的文章。)
- Some believe that bowdlerizing history textbooks leads to a distorted view of the past.(有人认为删改历史教科书会导致对过去的扭曲观点。)
- 适应道德标准或普遍接受:
- The lyrics of the song were bowdlerized to make it suitable for radio airplay.(歌曲的歌词被删改,以适应广播播放。)
- The classic novel was bowdlerized for a children’s edition, removing violent and explicit content.(为了儿童版,这本经典小说被删改,删除了暴力和露骨内容。)
总之,bowdlerize 是一个动词,意为删除、修改或削弱文学、艺术作品中的不雅、冒犯或争议性内容,以使其更适合普遍接受或符合道德标准。它可以描述删除或修改不雅内容、削弱或修改争议性内容,以及适应道德标准或普遍接受的情况。