unadulterated 什么意思-详细用法

  • 定义:Unadulterated 是形容词,意为纯净的、未掺杂的、完全的,用来描述某物没有被掺杂、稀释、改变或破坏,保持原始或本质的状态。
  • 例句
    1. The chef prided himself on using only unadulterated ingredients in his recipes.(这位厨师以在他的菜谱中只使用纯净的原料为荣。)
    2. The unadulterated joy on her face was evident when she received the news.(当她听到那个消息时,她脸上的纯真喜悦显而易见。)
  • 小标题用法注意
  1. 纯净的、未掺杂的
    • The unadulterated water from the natural spring was known for its clarity and freshness.(从天然泉水中取得的纯净水以其清澈和新鲜而闻名。)
    • He appreciated the unadulterated taste of freshly brewed coffee without any added flavors.(他欣赏新鲜冲泡的咖啡的纯正味道,没有任何添加的风味。)
  2. 完全的、无缺点的
    • Her performance was an unadulterated success, receiving praise from both the audience and critics.(她的表演是一次完全的成功,受到观众和评论家的赞扬。)
    • The unadulterated truth was finally revealed, shedding light on the mystery that had puzzled everyone.(纯粹的真相最终揭示出来,为曾经困扰着每个人的谜团带来了光明。)
  3. 真实的、真诚的
    • He expressed his unadulterated love for her, promising to always be there for her.(他表达了对她纯真的爱,承诺永远陪伴在她身边。)
    • The unadulterated joy in their laughter filled the room, creating a warm and lively atmosphere.(他们笑声中的真实喜悦充满了房间,营造出温暖而活跃的氛围。)

总之,unadulterated 是形容词,意为纯净的、未掺杂的、完全的,用来描述某物没有被掺杂、稀释、改变或破坏,保持原始或本质的状态。它可以用来形容纯净的、未掺杂的物质,描述完全的、无缺点的状态,以及表达真实的、真诚的感情。

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