fumigate 什么意思-详细用法

  • 定义:Fumigate 是动词,意为烟熏、熏蒸,用来描述通过释放烟雾或气体来清除、消除或杀灭害虫、细菌、臭味等有害物质。
  • 例句
    1. The pest control company was called to fumigate the house and eliminate the termite infestation.(虫害防治公司被召唤来对房屋进行熏蒸,消除白蚁侵扰。)
    2. The hotel room was fumigated to remove any traces of smoke and ensure a fresh environment for the next guest.(酒店房间经过熏蒸,以消除任何烟雾残留,确保下一位客人拥有清新的环境。)
  • 小标题用法注意
  1. 烟熏消毒
    • The entire laboratory was fumigated to eliminate any possible contamination before starting the new experiment.(在开始新实验之前,整个实验室都进行了烟熏消毒,以消除任何可能的污染。)
    • The cargo was fumigated at the port to prevent the spread of pests to other countries.(货物在港口进行了熏蒸,以防止害虫传播到其他国家。)
  2. 除臭、除味
    • The carpet was fumigated to remove the foul odor caused by the pet’s accident.(为了消除宠物事故引起的恶臭气味,对地毯进行了熏蒸处理。)
    • The kitchen was fumigated to get rid of the lingering smell of burnt food.(为了消除烧焦食物的残留气味,对厨房进行了熏蒸处理。)
  3. 杀灭害虫
    • The farmer fumigated the crops to protect them from insect pests and ensure a healthy harvest.(农民对作物进行了熏蒸,以保护它们免受昆虫害虫的侵害,确保健康的收成。)
    • The hotel regularly fumigates its rooms to prevent bed bug infestations and maintain a pest-free environment.(酒店定期对客房进行熏蒸,以防止臭虫的滋生,保持无害虫的环境。)

总之,fumigate 是动词,意为烟熏、熏蒸,用来描述通过释放烟雾或气体来清除、消除或杀灭害虫、细菌、臭味等有害物质。它常用于烟熏消毒、除臭除味和杀灭害虫的场景。

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