recapitulate 什么意思-详细用法

  • 定义:Recapitulate 是动词,表示总结、概括或重述的意思。它在不同语境下有以下用法:
  • 例句
    1. The professor asked the students to recapitulate the main points of the lecture.
    2. The documentary recapitulated the events leading up to the historical moment.
  • 小标题用法说明
  1. 总结、概括:表示归纳和总结某个事物、概念、观点或事件的主要要点。
    • In the conclusion, the author recapitulated the key findings of the research.
    • The CEO recapitulated the company’s achievements during the annual meeting.
  2. 重述、复述:表示以简洁的方式重新陈述或复述先前提到的内容。
    • The presenter recapitulated the main arguments for the audience’s benefit.
    • The teacher asked the students to recapitulate the plot of the story.
  3. 重现、再现:在音乐领域中,表示以某种形式重现或再现先前出现的音乐主题、旋律或乐章。
    • The orchestra recapitulated the main theme in the final movement of the symphony.
    • The pianist beautifully recapitulated the melody from the previous section.
  • 词源:Recapitulate 源自拉丁语 “recapitulare”,意为 “重述、总结”,由 “re-“(再次)和 “capitulum”(小节、标题)组成。

请注意,recapitulate 是一个正式用词,常用于学术、文学和演讲等场合,表示对内容进行总结、概括或重述。它可以用于口语和书面语,并具有多个层面的含义,根据具体上下文而定。

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