panegyric 什么意思-详细用法-常见短语

  1. deliver a panegyric: 发表颂词
  2. glowing panegyric: 热情洋溢的颂词
  3. write a panegyric: 写颂词
  4. deliver an eloquent panegyric: 发表雄辩的颂词
  5. panegyric for a hero: 为英雄的颂词
  6. panegyric at a ceremony: 典礼上的颂词
  7. panegyric for a leader: 为领导的颂词
  8. panegyric for a scholar: 为学者的颂词
  9. panegyric for a historical figure: 为历史人物的颂词
  10. deliver a moving panegyric: 发表动人的颂词
  11. panegyric for a mentor: 为导师的颂词
  12. panegyric in honor of a pioneer: 为先驱的颂词
  13. panegyric for a philanthropist: 为慈善家的颂词
  14. deliver a poignant panegyric: 发表深情的颂词
  15. panegyric in celebration of a life: 为庆祝生命的颂词
  16. panegyric for a cultural icon: 为文化偶像的颂词
  17. panegyric for a visionary: 为远见者的颂词
  18. panegyric for a national hero: 为国家英雄的颂词
  19. deliver a powerful panegyric: 发表有力的颂词
  20. panegyric for a trailblazer: 为开拓者的颂词
  21. panegyric for a humanitarian: 为人道主义者的颂词
  22. deliver a heartfelt panegyric: 发表真挚的颂词
  23. panegyric for a business leader: 为商界领袖的颂词
  24. panegyric for a spiritual leader: 为精神领袖的颂词
  25. panegyric for a national icon: 为国家偶像的颂词
  26. deliver a touching panegyric: 发表感人的颂词
  27. panegyric for a cultural luminary: 为文化名人的颂词
  28. panegyric in memory of a loved one: 纪念亲人的颂词
  29. panegyric for a visionary artist: 为有远见的艺术家的颂词
  30. deliver an inspiring panegyric: 发表激励人心的颂词
  31. panegyric for a beloved teacher: 为心爱的老师的颂词
  32. panegyric for a cultural pioneer: 为文化先驱的颂词
  33. panegyric for a political leader: 为政治领袖的颂词
  34. deliver a heartfelt panegyric for a mentor: 发表对导师的真挚颂词
  35. panegyric for a fallen hero: 为阵亡英雄的颂词
  36. panegyric for a respected elder: 为受人尊敬的长者的颂词
  37. panegyric for a fallen soldier: 为阵亡士兵的颂词
  38. deliver a moving panegyric for a sibling: 发表感人的兄弟姐妹颂词
  39. panegyric for a literary master: 为文学大师的颂词
  40. panegyric for a beloved neighbor: 为心爱的邻居的颂词
  41. panegyric in praise of a cultural heritage: 赞美文化遗产的颂词
  42. panegyric for a sports legend: 为体育传奇的颂词
  43. deliver an eloquent panegyric for a friend: 发表雄辩的朋友颂词
  44. panegyric for a social reformer: 为社会改革者的颂词
  45. panegyric for a fallen firefighter: 为阵亡消防员的颂词
  46. panegyric for a renowned scientist: 为著名科学家的颂词
  47. panegyric for a legendary musician: 为传奇音乐家的颂词
  48. deliver a heartfelt panegyric for a colleague: 发表对同事的真挚颂词
  49. panegyric for a cultural iconoclast: 为文化偶像破除者的颂词
  50. panegyric for a beloved friend: 为心爱的朋友的颂词
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