- the quintessence of beauty: 美的精髓
- the quintessence of wisdom: 智慧的精髓
- the quintessence of elegance: 优雅的精髓
- the quintessence of style: 风格的精髓
- the quintessence of craftsmanship: 工艺的精髓
- the quintessence of literature: 文学的精髓
- the quintessence of art: 艺术的精髓
- the quintessence of music: 音乐的精髓
- the quintessence of culture: 文化的精髓
- the quintessence of tradition: 传统的精髓
- the quintessence of innovation: 创新的精髓
- the quintessence of leadership: 领导的精髓
- the quintessence of success: 成功的精髓
- the quintessence of happiness: 幸福的精髓
- the quintessence of love: 爱的精髓
- the quintessence of friendship: 友谊的精髓
- the quintessence of science: 科学的精髓
- the quintessence of technology: 技术的精髓
- the quintessence of education: 教育的精髓
- the quintessence of spirituality: 灵性的精髓
- the quintessence of peace: 和平的精髓
- the quintessence of justice: 正义的精髓
- the quintessence of integrity: 正直的精髓
- the quintessence of courage: 勇气的精髓
- the quintessence of resilience: 恢复力的精髓
- the quintessence of forgiveness: 宽容的精髓
- the quintessence of authenticity: 真实的精髓
- the quintessence of determination: 决心的精髓
- the quintessence of perseverance: 毅力的精髓
- the quintessence of humility: 谦逊的精髓
- the quintessence of gratitude: 感恩的精髓
- the quintessence of compassion: 同情的精髓
- the quintessence of empathy: 移情的精髓
- the quintessence of generosity: 慷慨的精髓
- the quintessence of honesty: 诚实的精髓
- the quintessence of kindness: 善良的精髓
- the quintessence of patience: 耐心的精髓
- the quintessence of understanding: 理解的精髓
- the quintessence of virtue: 美德的精髓
- the quintessence of faith: 信仰的精髓
- the quintessence of hope: 希望的精髓
- the quintessence of joy: 快乐的精髓
- the quintessence of adventure: 冒险的精髓
- the quintessence of exploration: 探索的精髓
- the quintessence of innovation: 创新的精髓
- the quintessence of collaboration: 合作的精髓
- the quintessence of teamwork: 团队合作的精髓
- the quintessence of communication: 沟通的精髓
- the quintessence of resilience: 恢复力的精髓
- the quintessence of adaptability: 适应能力的精髓
quintessence 什么意思-详细用法-常见短语
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