- ameliorate a situation: 改善情况
- ameliorate living conditions: 改善生活条件
- ameliorate the economy: 改善经济状况
- ameliorate social inequality: 缓解社会不平等
- ameliorate working conditions: 改善工作条件
- ameliorate health outcomes: 改善健康结果
- ameliorate environmental pollution: 减少环境污染
- ameliorate educational opportunities: 提供更好的教育机会
- ameliorate customer satisfaction: 提高客户满意度
- ameliorate community relations: 改善社区关系
- ameliorate mental well-being: 提升心理健康
- ameliorate diplomatic relations: 改善外交关系
- ameliorate race relations: 改善种族关系
- ameliorate the quality of life: 提高生活质量
- ameliorate financial stability: 改善财务稳定性
- ameliorate infrastructure: 改善基础设施
- ameliorate job opportunities: 增加就业机会
- ameliorate public transportation: 改善公共交通
- ameliorate customer service: 改进客户服务
- ameliorate international relations: 改善国际关系
- ameliorate productivity levels: 提高生产力水平
- ameliorate communication skills: 改善沟通技巧
- ameliorate organizational efficiency: 提高组织效率
- ameliorate team dynamics: 改善团队互动
- ameliorate financial performance: 改善财务表现
- ameliorate work-life balance: 改善工作与生活的平衡
- ameliorate educational standards: 提升教育水平
- ameliorate access to healthcare: 改善医疗保健的获取
- ameliorate conflict resolution: 改善冲突解决
- ameliorate customer experience: 提升客户体验
- ameliorate government policies: 改善政府政策
- ameliorate neighborhood safety: 提高社区安全
- ameliorate race relations: 改善种族关系
- ameliorate educational resources: 提供更好的教育资源
- ameliorate diplomatic negotiations: 改善外交谈判
- ameliorate technology infrastructure: 改善技术基础设施
- ameliorate living standards: 提高生活水平
- ameliorate customer complaints: 处理客户投诉
- ameliorate team collaboration: 改善团队合作
- ameliorate healthcare access: 改善医疗保健的获取
- ameliorate economic disparities: 减少经济差距
- ameliorate educational outcomes: 改善教育成果
- ameliorate public safety: 提高公共安全
- ameliorate global poverty: 减少全球贫困
- ameliorate customer relations: 改善客户关系
- ameliorate professional development: 提升职业发展
- ameliorate social programs: 改善社会项目
- ameliorate international cooperation: 加强国际合作
- ameliorate transportation infrastructure: 改善交通基础设施
- ameliorate job prospects: 改善就业前景