包含单词 “booby” 的短语,附带中文解释:
- booby trap: 诱骗陷阱
- booby prize: 安慰奖
- booby hatch: 精神病院
- booby trap an area: 在某个地区设置陷阱
- Fall into a booby trap: 陷入陷阱
- booby prize for the worst performance: 给最差表现的人的安慰奖
- Set up a booby trap: 设置一个陷阱
- Avoid falling into a booby trap: 避免落入陷阱
- booby hatch for the mentally unstable: 精神不稳定者的精神病院
- Discover a booby trap: 发现一个陷阱
- booby prize for the last-place finisher: 给最后一名的人的安慰奖
- Fall for a booby trap: 上了一个陷阱
- Spring a booby trap: 触发一个陷阱
- booby hatch for troubled youth: 给有问题的年轻人的精神病院
- Be wary of booby traps: 警惕陷阱
- booby prize for the least valuable item: 给最不值钱的物品的安慰奖
- Detect a booby trap: 探测到一个陷阱
- Fall into a booby hatch: 进入一个精神病院
- booby prize for the worst joke: 给最差笑话的安慰奖
- Disarm a booby trap: 拆除一个陷阱
- booby hatch for patients with severe mental illness: 给有严重精神病的患者的精神病院
- Set off a booby trap: 引爆一个陷阱
- booby prize for the least successful attempt: 给最不成功的尝试的安慰奖
- Fall victim to a booby trap: 成为陷阱的受害者
- booby hatch for the mentally challenged: 给智力有障碍的人的精神病院
- Avoid the booby prize: 避免安慰奖
- Spring the booby trap prematurely: 过早地引爆陷阱
- booby prize for the clumsiest performance: 给最笨拙的表演的安慰奖
- Escape from a booby hatch: 逃离一个精神病院
- booby hatch for the emotionally disturbed: 给情绪不稳定者的精神病院
- Fall into the booby trap unknowingly: 无意中陷入陷阱
- booby prize for the worst costume: 给最糟糕的服装的安慰奖
- Remove a booby trap: 移除一个陷阱
- booby hatch for those with developmental disabilities: 给有发展障碍者的精神病院
- Spot a booby trap: 发现一个陷阱
- booby prize for the least impressive performance: 给最不令人印象深刻的表演的安慰奖
- Fall into a booby hatch voluntarily: 自愿进入精神病院
- booby trap a house: 在房屋设置陷阱
- Receive the booby prize with good humor: 幽默地接受安慰奖
- booby hatch for individuals with behavioral disorders: 给有行为障碍的人的精神病院
- Be caught in a booby trap: 被陷阱困住
- booby prize for the least innovative idea: 给最不创新的想法的安慰奖
- Disable a booby trap: 使一个陷阱失效
- booby hatch for patients with psychiatric conditions: 给有精神病症状的患者的精神病院
- Fall into a booby trap while exploring: 在探险时陷入陷阱
- booby prize for the poorest performance: 给表现最差的人的安慰奖
- Set a booby trap to catch thieves: 设置一个陷阱来抓贼
- booby hatch for individuals with cognitive impairments: 给有认知障碍的人的精神病院
- Avoid the booby prize at all costs: 不惜一切代价避免安慰奖
- booby trap an entrance: 在入口处设置陷阱