- An egregious mistake: 显著的错误
- egregious misconduct: 极端不端行为
- egregious behavior: 极其糟糕的行为
- egregious violation: 严重违反
- egregious error: 显著的错误
- egregious negligence: 极其疏忽
- egregious injustice: 显著的不公正
- egregious incompetence: 极其无能
- egregious disregard: 极其漠视
- egregious abuse of power: 极度滥用权力
- egregious breach of trust: 极其违反信任
- egregious misconduct: 极端不端行为
- egregious failure: 显著的失败
- egregious harm: 极其严重的伤害
- egregious violation of human rights: 极其侵犯人权
- egregious disregard for safety: 对安全的极度漠视
- egregious dishonesty: 极度的不诚实
- egregious manipulation: 极其操纵
- egregious breach of contract: 显著的违反合同
- egregious offense: 极其冒犯行为
- egregious discrimination: 极端歧视
- egregious misrepresentation: 极其歪曲
- egregious breach of ethics: 极其违反道德
- egregious violation of privacy: 极度侵犯隐私
- egregious disregard for the law: 对法律的极度漠视
- egregious violation of professional standards: 极其违反职业标准
- egregious error in judgment: 显著的判断错误
- egregious manipulation of facts: 对事实的极度操纵
- egregious abuse of authority: 极度滥用权威
- egregious breach of confidentiality: 极其违反保密
- egregious disregard for human life: 对人类生命的极度漠视
- egregious violation of international law: 极其违反国际法
- egregious violation of workplace policies: 极其违反职场政策
- egregious distortion of the truth: 对真相的极度扭曲
- egregious mismanagement: 极度的糟管理
- egregious violation of academic integrity: 极其违反学术诚信
- egregious breach of diplomatic protocol: 极其违反外交礼仪
- egregious disregard for environmental regulations: 对环境法规的极度漠视
- egregious violation of intellectual property rights: 极其侵犯知识产权
- egregious error in calculation: 显著的计算错误
- egregious violation of a ceasefire agreement: 极其违反停火协议
- egregious misrepresentation of facts: 对事实的极度歪曲
- egregious breach of cybersecurity: 极其违反网络安全
- egregious disregard for public safety: 对公共安全的极度漠视
- egregious violation of child rights: 极其侵犯儿童权益
- egregious distortion of scientific data: 对科学数据的极度扭曲
- egregious breach of privacy laws: 极其违反隐私法律
- egregious violation of a code of conduct: 极其违反行为准则
- egregious negligence in duty: 极其失职疏忽
- egregious disregard for human dignity: 对人类尊严的极度漠视