peregrination 什么意思-详细用法-常见短语 ~ 英语单词详细解释


  1. peregrination around the world: 环游世界
  2. embark on a spiritual peregrination: 开始一段心灵之旅
  3. the peregrination of a wandering poet: 流浪诗人的漫游
  4. a historical peregrination: 一次历史之旅
  5. peregrination through ancient ruins: 穿越古代废墟的漫游
  6. an adventurous peregrination: 冒险之旅
  7. peregrination to remote destinations: 前往偏远目的地的漫游
  8. a cultural peregrination: 文化之旅
  9. peregrination in search of self-discovery: 寻找自我的漫游
  10. a spiritual peregrination: 精神之旅
  11. peregrination through the wilderness: 在荒野中的漫游
  12. a literary peregrination: 文学之旅
  13. a culinary peregrination: 美食之旅
  14. peregrination to historical landmarks: 前往历史地标的漫游
  15. an artistic peregrination: 艺术之旅
  16. peregrination through the pages of a book: 在书页间的漫游
  17. a musical peregrination: 音乐之旅
  18. peregrination in search of adventure: 寻找冒险的漫游
  19. a photographic peregrination: 摄影之旅
  20. peregrination along the coastal route: 沿海岸线的漫游
  21. a solo peregrination: 单独的漫游
  22. peregrination through bustling cities: 在繁华城市中的漫游
  23. a historical peregrination: 历史之旅
  24. peregrination in the footsteps of explorers: 跟随探险家的漫游
  25. a spiritual peregrination to sacred sites: 前往神圣地点的精神之旅
  26. a gastronomic peregrination: 美食之旅
  27. peregrination through the ancient world: 在古代世界中的漫游
  28. an architectural peregrination: 建筑之旅
  29. peregrination to natural wonders: 前往自然奇观的漫游
  30. a virtual peregrination: 虚拟之旅
  31. peregrination in search of enlightenment: 寻找启示的漫游
  32. an educational peregrination: 教育之旅
  33. a scenic peregrination: 风景之旅
  34. peregrination through historical sites: 在历史遗址中的漫游
  35. a transformative peregrination: 改变性的漫游
  36. a backpacking peregrination: 背包客之旅
  37. peregrination to cultural landmarks: 前往文化地标的漫游
  38. a poetic peregrination: 诗意之旅
  39. peregrination in the footsteps of ancestors: 跟随祖先的漫游
  40. an environmental peregrination: 环境之旅
  41. peregrination through uncharted territories: 在未知领域中的漫游
  42. a meditative peregrination: 冥想之旅
  43. a guided peregrination: 导游式的漫游
  44. peregrination through cultural festivals: 在文化节日中的漫游
  45. a historical peregrination: 历史之旅
  46. a philosophical peregrination: 哲学之旅
  47. peregrination to hidden gems: 前往隐秘宝藏的漫游
  48. an introspective peregrination: 内省之旅
  49. peregrination through diverse landscapes: 在多样化景观中的漫游
  50. a personal peregrination: 个人的漫游
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