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- grant a reprieve – 给予缓刑
- receive a reprieve – 获得缓刑
- temporary reprieve – 暂时的缓刑
- reprieve from execution – 免于处决
- reprieve from punishment – 免于惩罚
- reprieve from death – 免于死刑
- reprieve from a sentence – 缓刑
- reprieve someone’s life – 拯救某人的生命
- grant a last-minute reprieve – 给予临时缓刑
- seek a reprieve – 寻求缓刑
- receive a temporary reprieve – 获得临时缓刑
- a brief reprieve – 短暂的缓刑
- a much-needed reprieve – 急需的缓刑
- provide a reprieve – 提供缓刑
- offer a reprieve – 提供缓刑
- get a reprieve – 获得缓刑
- give someone a reprieve – 给予某人缓刑
- face reprieve – 面临缓刑
- receive a temporary reprieve – 获得临时缓刑
- a last-minute reprieve – 临时缓刑
- seek a reprieve from punishment – 寻求免于惩罚的缓刑
- grant a reprieve to a condemned prisoner – 给予死囚缓刑
- receive a reprieve from the governor – 从州长处获得缓刑
- await reprieve – 等待缓刑
- a temporary reprieve from the harsh reality – 对残酷现实的暂时缓解
- a brief reprieve from the chaos – 对混乱的短暂喘息
- provide a reprieve from stress – 提供减轻压力的缓解
- a much-needed reprieve from work – 急需的工作缓解
- grant a reprieve to a troubled soul – 给予心灵困扰者的缓解
- receive a temporary reprieve from the pain – 获得暂时的痛苦缓解
- a last-minute reprieve from disaster – 灾难中的临时喘息
- seek a reprieve from the daily grind – 寻求对日常苦役的缓解
- grant a reprieve to a struggling business – 给予奋斗中的企业缓解
- receive a reprieve from the overwhelming workload – 获得对超负荷工作的缓解
- a temporary reprieve from the oppressive regime – 对压迫政权的暂时缓和
- a brief reprieve from the constant demands – 对不断要求的短暂喘息
- provide a reprieve from the monotony – 提供摆脱单调的缓解
- a much-needed reprieve from the financial burden – 急需的经济负担缓解
- grant a reprieve to a struggling student – 给予挣扎中的学生缓解
- receive a temporary reprieve from the emotional turmoil – 获得暂时的情绪缓解
- a last-minute reprieve from failure – 对失败的临时喘息
- seek a reprieve from the ongoing conflict – 寻求对持续冲突的缓解
- grant a reprieve to a desperate family – 给予绝望家庭的缓解
- receive a reprieve from the unbearable suffering – 获得对难以忍受的痛苦的缓解
- a temporary reprieve from the never-ending struggle – 对永无止境的斗争的暂时缓和
- a brief reprieve from the constant pressure – 对持续压力的短暂喘息
- provide a reprieve from the daily routine – 提供对日常例行的缓解
- a much-needed reprieve from the toxic relationship – 急需的对有害关系的缓解
- grant a reprieve to a weary soul – 给予疲惫灵魂的缓解
- receive a temporary reprieve from the haunting memories – 获得对令人心痛的回忆的暂时缓解