以下是关于 ad hominem 的短语,每个短语后面都附有中文解释:
- an ad hominem attack – 人身攻击
- resorting to ad hominem arguments – 诉诸人身攻击的论点
- an ad hominem response – 以人身攻击作为回应
- engage in ad hominem debate – 参与人身攻击的辩论
- dismissed with ad hominem remarks – 以人身攻击的言辞被驳回
- an ad hominem criticism – 以人身攻击为基础的批评
- avoiding ad hominem fallacies – 避免人身攻击谬误
- a logical fallacy of ad hominem – 人身攻击的逻辑谬误
- an ad hominem response instead of addressing the issue – 以人身攻击回应而不解决问题
- criticizing someone’s appearance is an ad hominem argument – 批评某人的外貌是一种人身攻击的论点
- his argument was weakened by resorting to ad hominem attacks – 他诉诸人身攻击的论点削弱了他的观点
- refrain from using ad hominem tactics – 避免使用人身攻击的策略
- engage in a civil discussion without resorting to ad hominem – 参与文明的讨论,不诉诸人身攻击
- an ad hominem response that avoids addressing the main issue – 以人身攻击回应,避免解决主要问题
- an ad hominem argument is a logical fallacy – 人身攻击的论点是一种逻辑谬误