- Plethora of options: 大量的选择
- Plethora of information: 信息过多
- Plethora of opportunities: 机会过多
- Plethora of ideas: 想法过多
- Plethora of colors: 颜色过多
- Plethora of books: 书籍过多
- Plethora of resources: 资源过多
- Plethora of data: 数据过多
- Plethora of possibilities: 可能性过多
- Plethora of talents: 才华横溢
- Plethora of problems: 问题过多
- Plethora of challenges: 挑战过多
- Plethora of choices: 选择过多
- Plethora of opinions: 观点过多
- Plethora of emotions: 情绪波动