gambit 什么意思-详细用法-常见短语 ~ 英语单词详细解释

  1. Opening gambit: 开场策略
  2. Strategic gambit: 战略策略
  3. Bold gambit: 大胆策略
  4. Political gambit: 政治策略
  5. Chess gambit: 国际象棋策略
  6. Calculated gambit: 计算过的策略
  7. Tactical gambit: 战术策略
  8. Economic gambit: 经济策略
  9. Negotiating gambit: 谈判策略
  10. Diplomatic gambit: 外交策略
  11. Marketing gambit: 营销策略
  12. Strategic gambit: 战略策略
  13. Creative gambit: 创造性策略
  14. Bold opening gambit: 大胆的开局策略
  15. Calculated political gambit: 经过计算的政治策略
  16. Tactical gambit in negotiations: 谈判中的战术策略
  17. Economic gambit for growth: 促进经济增长的策略
  18. Diplomatic gambit for peace: 争取和平的外交策略
  19. Marketing gambit for brand awareness: 提升品牌知名度的营销策略
  20. Strategic gambit for market dominance: 实现市场主导地位的战略策略
  21. Political gambit to gain support: 获得支持的政治策略
  22. Tactical gambit to outmaneuver competitors: 击败竞争对手的战术策略
  23. Creative gambit to capture attention: 吸引注意力的创新策略
  24. Strategic gambit to expand market share: 扩大市场份额的战略策略
  25. Bold gambit for business growth: 实现业务增长的大胆策略
  26. Calculated gambit to secure a deal: 谨慎策略以达成交易
  27. Tactical gambit for customer acquisition: 获得客户的战术策略
  28. Political gambit to gain public support: 赢得公众支持的政治策略
  29. Diplomatic gambit for international cooperation: 促进国际合作的外交策略
  30. Marketing gambit to target a specific demographic: 针对特定人群的营销策略
  31. Strategic gambit to diversify revenue streams: 多元化收入来源的战略策略
  32. Bold opening gambit to set the tone: 设定基调的大胆开场策略
  33. Calculated gambit to gain a competitive edge: 获得竞争优势的谨慎策略
  34. Tactical gambit to exploit weaknesses: 利用弱点的战术策略
  35. Economic gambit for market expansion: 扩大市场的经济策略
  36. Negotiating gambit to reach a favorable agreement: 达成有利协议的谈判策略
  37. Diplomatic gambit to defuse tensions: 缓解紧张局势的外交策略
  38. Marketing gambit to generate buzz: 产生轰动效应的营销策略
  39. Strategic gambit for long-term success: 实现长期成功的战略策略
  40. Political gambit to gain electoral advantage: 获得选举优势的政治策略
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