
Didi Chuxing, the nation’s largest online car-hailing platform, halted its “hitch” ride services across the country starting Monday after a rape and killing of a female rider by a Didi driver in Zhejiang.

针对本月24日浙江省温州市女孩乘坐滴滴顺风车途中被害事件,26日,交通运输部、公安部以及滴滴出行公司注册地天津市的相关部门对滴滴高管进行面对面约谈(face-to-face meeting),责令其立即对在线顺风车业务进行全面整改(order the company to rectify problems with its online hitch riding services),加强安全举措(enhance security measures),及时向社会公布有关整改情况(release timely updates of its progress to correct the situation with the public)。

24日下午,一名20岁的女子在温州从滴滴平台叫车后失联(go missing after hailing an auto from Didi),25日早晨,司机被警方抓获,并承认了强奸和谋杀行为(confess to rape and murder)。而就在今年5月,一名21岁的空姐(female flight attendant)在郑州搭乘滴滴顺风车时被司机杀害(be murdered by her hitch driver)。

交通运输部运输服务司司长徐亚华在约谈中指出,短短三个月时间发生两起侵害乘客生命安全的恶性事件,暴露出滴滴出行平台存在的重大经营管理漏洞和安全隐患(great management loopholes and safety perils),企业主体责任落实不到位,严重威胁乘客安全和权益(seriously threaten passengers’ safety, rights and interests),社会影响非常恶劣(cause severe negative social impact)。

滴滴公司负责人表示,对此次事件深感自责和愧疚,滴滴公司负有不可推卸的重大责任,并承诺:一是自27日起,在全国范围内下线顺风车业务(suspend its hitch riding services nationwide),重新评估业务模式(re-evaluate its business model);二是9月1日前完成合规化运营工作方案,报送有关部门并接受社会监督;三是落实安全生产责任制,开展安全隐患(potential safety hazards)自查工作;四是整改升级客服体系(the company’s customer service system will be upgraded),加大客服团队的人力和资源投入;五是开拓平台用户紧急情况报警通道(launch a service to allow users to contact the police in case of emergencies),完善配合公安机关证据调取机制(improve the mechanism of providing evidence for the police)。

  • 专车服务 tailored taxi service
  • 快车 fast ride
  • 人身安全 physical safety
  • 平民伤亡 civilian casualty
  • 紧急求救电话 emergency call
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