
“A man either lives life as it happens to him, meets it head-on and licks it, or he turns his back on it and starts to wither away.”

– Gene Roddenberry, Television Series Producer
「人生遇到问题,我们不是迎头面对并将之击倒,就是转身离去而丧失斗志。」– 金·罗登贝瑞 (影集制作人)

lick (v.) 击倒对手。例:I think we could lick the best team in the nation. (我觉得我们可以击倒国内最强的队伍。) wither (v.) 逐渐变弱、示微。例:The organization withered away. (这组织逐渐示微。)
金·罗登贝瑞 (1921-1991) 是美国电视影集《星舰迷航记》(Star Trek) 的编剧者及制作人,他曾担任美军飞行员,在第二次世界大战服勤,并在退役后担任民航机驾驶员,后来在洛杉矶警察局任职警官,并开始着手电视编剧。

未经允许不得转载:帕布莉卡 » 金·罗登贝瑞英语名言:人生遇到问题,我们不是迎头面对并将之击倒
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