Cut sb some slack:
a. To treat someone less severely than is usual or to allow someone to do something that is not usually allowed. ( 放某人一马、我们中国人常说的:给个面子、留点人情的意思。)
b. to permit someone a degree of flexibility in complying with a schedule, obligation, or deadline. ( 适度放宽某种局限,如计划进度、责任义务、交货周期…)
E.G.1:He’s a little on edge right now. Cut him some slack. { 节选自《绝望的主妇》S08E17 Time-stamp:14:23 }
E.G.2:I’d say that’s enough baggage to deserve you cutting her some slack. { 节选自《金装律师》S03E13 Time-stamp:27:09 }