你是我最珍惜的人。 You’re the apple of my eye. 《那些年我们一起追的女孩》
你是我最珍惜的人。 You’re the apple of my eye. 《那些年我们一起追的女孩》
My angel, flung out of space. 你像是从宇宙中飞来,我的天使。 《卡罗尔》
Bolt:“There will be danger.” Rhino:“I eat danger for breakfast!” Bolt:“Are you hungry?” Rhino:“〔cracks neck〕 Starving!” ...
Because if you lose so much as half a rating pointso help me, I will fire everyone in this room, starting with you! 要是收视...
Look at this face! I have a little girl at home, love of my life. I would do anything for her. 瞧瞧你可爱的小脸,我家里也有个小女儿,我毕生的爱,...
I gotta tell ya, I never forget a face. 我可跟你说,我过目不忘的。 《闪电狗》
I bring you half, you give me protection! That’s our deal. 我给你一半,你保护我,我们说好的。 《闪电狗》
Taking same tie to the one dog on earth, he doesn’t know how to beg. 我认识了世界上唯一一条,不晓得装可怜的狗。 《闪电狗》
But it’s come to that, we need you to move on. 事已成定局,你不该在深陷其中了。 《闪电狗》
I think it’s about time I introduce you a regular dog peace to resistance. 现在告诉你什么是狗最想做的。 《闪电狗》