你也变得毫无幽默感了 You don’t have a sense of humour any more, either. 你在说什么呢 What are you talking about? 问题是 我讨厌重聚 Thing i...
你也变得毫无幽默感了 You don’t have a sense of humour any more, either. 你在说什么呢 What are you talking about? 问题是 我讨厌重聚 Thing i...
现在你的小命就要玩完了 Now your life is over. 我是你在这个世界上见到的最后一个人 My face is the last thing you’ll ever see on earth. 是你自作孽 You...
我的忏悔是 我竟然毫无悔意 My confession is that I feel no regret. 《浴血黑帮第三季》
It jumps on the hammer. 感觉如何 迈克尔 How does it feel, Michael, huh? 比手里握着笔要爽 对吧 Better than having a pen in your hand, inni...
波莉 我给你画像 有双重动机 Look, Polly, my motivation for doing this is twofold. 首先 你的脸上 充满了矛盾对比 Firstly, you have a face full of co...
你可以改变你的行为 You can change what you do, 但改变不了你想要什么 but you can’t change what you want. 《浴血黑帮第三季》
我们说过 在黑暗里行动是魔鬼的勾当 Working in the dark is for the devil. We said. 要开始过正大光明的日子 Start to do your work in the light. 《浴血黑帮第三...
汤米 见到真正的女公爵 你不激动吗 Come on, Tommy, aren’t you impressed to meet a real duchess? 我知道他们都是收费的 Well, I understand they ...
莉兹 我希望你明白 Lizzie, I want it known, 那笔钱是给你的 因为在那些夜晚 是你 that money was for you because, some nights, it was you… 让我免...
君子一言 驷马难追 Your word as a gentleman. 《浴血黑帮第一季》