《救命解药》台词:为什么要离开这么美好的地方 -中英文对照
“我为什么要离开这么美好的地方?” “Why would I leave this such good place?”
“我为什么要离开这么美好的地方?” “Why would I leave this such good place?”
“他当然不是迷人的王子,但他心中有我未发现的美丽。” “True that he’s no Prince Charming, but there’s something in him that I simply di...
“狗跟猫能玩在一起,直到狗被猫抓伤为止。” “Dogs can only play with cats so long before it’s the dog that gets scratched.”
“就告诉过你别去见白人女友的家人。” “Man, I told you not to meet white chick’s parents.”
“我身边的每个人都牵挂着某事。但牵挂,我没有。” “Everyone around me, they feel connected to something. Connected to something, I’m not.”
「欢迎来到神魔馆,我们负责辨认、实验、收容并且破坏⋯⋯邪恶。牺牲难以避免。」 「Welcome to Prodigium, we recognize, examine, contain and destroy…evil. Sac...
「我拯救今天,你拯救世界。」 “I save today, you save the world.”
“帮我找到史杰克并传个口信给他,告诉他来自萨拉查船长的口信:『死人正朝他而去』,拜托你好吗?” “Find Jack Sparrow for me and relay a message, from Captain Salazar. Tel...
“她就是那只怪兽,而我是机器人。” “She is the monster, and I’m the robot.”
五月,她又回到了人间 1929年5月4日,天使降临人间,1993年1月20曰,天使归返天堂. 此后每年花开不败的五月,那个灵动容貌总会像小鹿般跳出来,带来那些丛圭被尘封的记忆 在奥黛丽·赫本诞辰,特此选逄十个瞬间,重温那个我们熟识的优雅灵魂...