《间谍同盟》台词:我愛你,魁北克佬 -中英文对照
“我愛你,魁北克佬。” “Je t’aime, Québécois.”
“我愛你,魁北克佬。” “Je t’aime, Québécois.”
“我们潜行黑暗,却为光明服务。” “We work in the dark to serve the light.”
“嘿老爸老妈,我呃⋯⋯今天又拯救了这城市。我想你们应该很为我感到骄傲吧?” “Hey mom, hey dad, I um, I saved the city again today, I think you would have been...
“约翰维克,你真的很不擅长退休。” “John Wick, you’re not very good at retiring.”
“我克服不了。我克服不了,对不起。” “I can’t beat it. I can’t beat it. I’m sorry.”
“若你能综观自己从出生到死亡的一生,那你会试图做些改变吗?” “If you could see your whole life from start to finish, would you change things?”
“破裂之人才能进化。” “The broken are the more evolved.”
“限制级战警会罩自家人。” “X looks out for his own.”
“如果爱是理由,那或许这一点也不疯狂。” “If love is the reason, then maybe this is not crazy after all.”
“我想狗生的意义就是要活得开心。” “I think the purpose of my life is just having fun.” “要活得开心”相关台词: http://mengqianxun.net/archives/1255...