《鲨滩 The Shallows》台词:妈妈说得对,这里真是天堂 -中英文对照
“妈妈说得对,这里真是天堂。” “Mom was right, it is paradise.”
“妈妈说得对,这里真是天堂。” “Mom was right, it is paradise.”
“恐怖主义只是借口。” “Terrorism is just an excuse.”
“原谅只需要做一次就好。但记恨,则得每一天,持续不断地做。” “You only have to forgive once. To resent, you have to do it all day, every day.”
“你是观众,还是玩家?” “Are you a Watcher? Or a Player?”
“我是麦克阿瑟将军,我只负责打胜仗。” “I’m Douglas MacArthur, I win wars.”
“希望不是计策。” “Hope is not a strategy.”
“如果这孩子能找到家人,那我应该也可以。” “If this baby finds her family, then maybe I can find mine.”
“我们今日所做,日后将有回报。” “What we lost in the fire, we found in the ashes.”
“看着陌生人安全地待在家中,有种说不出的舒适感。” “There’s something comforting about the sight of strangers safe at home.”
“嗑药永远不嫌晚。” “It’s never too late for drugs.”