I’m taking a sabbatical because I won’t kowtow to mediocre minds. 我在休假 因为我不愿向平庸之流屈服。 《生活大爆炸第一季》
I’m taking a sabbatical because I won’t kowtow to mediocre minds. 我在休假 因为我不愿向平庸之流屈服。 《生活大爆炸第一季》
I often forget oyher people have limitations. It’s so sad. 我总忘了普通人是有极限的,真悲哀。 《生活大爆炸第一季》
You know you need your sleep in order for your cognitive processing to perform at optimum levels. 你得知道你要好好睡觉这样你的认知过程才能表现...
Forget? You want me to forget? This mind does not forget. I haven’t forgoten a single thing since the day my mothe...
For what’s it worth,my mother says that when we deceive for personal gain, we make Jesus cry. 不管怎样俺娘说过,为了一己私欲骗人是会遭...
I found that primal part of the human spirit that just wants to keep on living,no matter what the cost. Thanks honey,but...
I don’t hold you responsible for your behavior, because, see, from an evolutionary standpoint you’re merely ...
I have stomach, I get hungry; I have genitals, I have the potential for sexual arousal; A cross we all must bear. You ko...
He is a cornucopia of social awkwardness. 他就是社交无能的集合体。 《生活大爆炸第一季》
I thought she was a highly evolved creature of pure intellect,like me. But recent events indicate that she may be a slav...